Business success?
It’s all a matter of good climate!
XLNC_c is an innovative diagnostic tool that allows you to measure your system climate profile created by your leadership behaviour.
How trusting and motivating do your employees experience the overall leadership, culture and climate in their work environment? Do they perceive their workplace as an environment that promotes performance and cooperation? These aspects are reflected in what is called the ›system climate‹ which is greatly influenced by the leadership behaviour of the manager in charge.
The system climate can be divided into three overarching climate factors and nine climate dimensions attributed to these factors:
The XLNC_c diagnostic tool.
The system climate profiling tool XLNC_c combines aspects of performance directly influenced by the manager in charge with criteria of cooperation and satisfaction in teams. This classification allows managers to develop their leadership behaviour further to ensure it has a positive influence on the climate. Both the manager in charge and their employees are asked to make an anonymous assessment of the manager’s behaviour. Their responses are then matched and compared in a comprehensive profile evaluation.
Example diagram
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