XLNC in your company
The XLNC tools can be used for developing individual employees/managers in your company as well as individual departments or the entire organisation.
With XLNC_s and/or XLNC_c, besides the self-assessment there is the possibility to aggregate the profiles of multiple managers and teams into a department, division or organisation profile. This gives you valuable information about the distribution of leadership styles in your entire organisation as well as differences in the culture between individual departments. These insights enable you to take an active approach towards appropriate organisational development and transformation processes. Thanks to recurring surveys, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures and obtain further insight for sustainable organisational development.
Below you can find example issues that may provide the starting point for using XLNC diagnostics:
Example reasons for individual employees/managers
- A junior manager with lots of potential is entrusted with managing a sensitive project. The project team has a critical stance towards the new project manager and is putting the success of the project at risk with unilateral approaches and diminished commitment. By reflecting on the team atmosphere with XLNC_c and developing a common understanding of the goals using the XLNC diagnostics, it becomes possible to discuss the relevant topics. Specific feedback from the project team helps the junior project manager consider their own behaviour and make adjustments where necessary. From now on, each member of the project team is able to contribute more effectively to improved cooperation.
- A large-scale digitalisation initiative is underway within the subdivision of a public authority. Extensive changes produce uncertainty and dissatisfaction in a well-established six-person team. The manager has a harmony and consensus-oriented style and has so far led the team with a highly participative approach. Using the XLNC_s diagnostics, it is possible to determine the need for broadening leadership behaviour, for example towards more clarity and orientation.
- After decades of successful work in the management team, a senior executive wants to take a new direction in the company. Conventional career aspects are less important to her than personal career satisfaction and the new role’s fit for her motives and values. By reflecting on her individual personality profile (XLNC_p), her motive and value profile as well as her personal behavioural preferences become clear, providing orientation towards suitable role and system requirements for her further development.
Possible reasons for certain target groups/departments
- Following the restructuring of an organisation, two formerly independent departments are merged. Highly disparate working styles and approaches clash, leading to conflicts regarding responsibilities and roles. A team development process that reflects on the working atmosphere and reveals the influence of the personality and preferred leadership of the manager is intended to provide a starting point for more trusting collaboration. All three XLNC tools could be used in this case.
- An automotive company has a large pool of high-potential candidates. Most of the talented people in this pool have a good fit for the research and development department. Managerial positions in the production department are difficult to fill. The leadership skills critical to success and the necessary flexibility in managerial work is not yet sufficiently developed. Based on the XLNC_s diagnostics, a leadership development programme is to be launched for the production department. The goal is to improve situational leadership skills so that the leadership role meets the requirements of the production department.
- As a result of an expansion, 25 percent more team leaders are needed in a company who are to manage international remote teams in a dynamic market environment. The company wishes to prepare the potential for this challenge with a tailored leadership development programme. XLNC_s and XLNC_c are to be used to establish a high awareness for the relationship between the personal leadership style and its effect on the working atmosphere. Here the development goal is to exploit the full repertoire of leadership styles for more transformational leadership.
Possible reasons for the entire organisation
- A start-up in the IT sector has undergone rapid growth in recent years. As the team is quickly expanded, tensions and competing camps become clear that are based on an inconsistent understanding of the business. Senior management would like to initiate a cultural development process with XLNC_c to strengthen the employees’ identification with the company and promote trust and teamwork.
- A successful, traditional company notices an increased staff churn rate and is afraid of becoming less competitive due to a shortage of specialists and managers. Senior management realises that an innovative and agile company culture is a factor of employer attractiveness, which has been neglected in the past. With the use of XLNC_s and XLNC_c, it wants to invest in a holistic process that examines the current culture and develops a vision for a modern, highly effective leadership culture.
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